Happy Birthday!

For Liz's and my birthday's I made a couple of cakes and hauled em into Sharky's...  the results... well... see for yourself...  A lot of the pictures on my friends' pages (atleast the friends from Sharky's) came from pictures we took this night...

Liz's Cake

My Cake...

Here's Liz and I getting ready to cut em for everyone...  (click it for a better view of it)

The guys were being dorks and made videos when we didn't know what was going on... (DON'T TRY THESE, THEY'RE BROKE AT THE MOMENT.. THEY'RE HERE AS A REMNDER FOR ME Here's one - And the Other)

On to the miscellaneous pictures...

Aaron and Ben...  I don't think they knew what they were getting into when I asked em to look at me...

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