***Updated June 11, 2001***

I don't really update this page a whole lot anymore.  Most of my web design and maintenance time is spent on www.crhockey.com Feel free to look around here though, and see if you find anything interesting.  There are a lot of pictures in the gallery section, there are a lot of bad pictures in there too might I add.  Not all of them... but quite a few.  The shopping experience pictures... oy!  Why do I do that to myself?!  Anyway, the latest pictures are in the gallery, under events, and then the bottom events are the most recent.  Here's a link to the very most recent of them all.  Enjoy your stay here (for what it's worth) 

The generic stuff: the awards page is still just right  here. And if you want updates (they obviously don't happen often) make sure you put your address in below.

Quack!  Get your pointer off me unless you're going to click to visit my adoption center!  Quack!

Joe Bob's word of wisdom for the moment: Live for the moment.


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